Jan 15Liked by Jamison Foser

I agree with every word of this post...Trump's intent is crystal clear.

The issue is that pundits and politicians who know this is exactly what will happen refuse to acknowlege this reality because it will require leadership, change, and sacrifice to portray our societal, political, and journalistic decay...as well as to chart a new course.

Much easier to pretend not to see what's happening.

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guys, please for the love of god check snopes on these claims... leave the credulousness to the repubs. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-four-years-beyond/

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Snopes' interpretation of Trump's most recent comments is debatable at best, particularly when you keep in mind that *they are only his most recent comments that suggest remaining in power beyond two terms.*

Trump did not say Iowa's caucuses will remain first in the nation for "four years and beyond," he said that he has a good chance of having influence over the matter "four years and beyond."

From Snopes' own transcript of Trump: "As long as I have anything to say about it — and that we have a good chance of saying for four years, [we'll] have a lot to say about it, four years and beyond."

Trump's language is, as usual, rambling and garbled and so viewed in a vacuum multiple interpretations are possible. This often leads people to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume the least-problematic interpretation. *This* is the real credulousness, and it's particularly bad when accompanied by a refusal to consider other, similar things Trump has said. When assessing the meaning of rambling, garbled comments like Trump tends to make, an essential step is to consider whether a given interpretation is consistent with the speaker's past comments. That's something Snopes didn't even attempt to do.

In this case, the relevant context is that Trump has *repeatedly* suggested he would stay in the White House more than 8 years.

Example: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-says-supporters-might-demand-that-he-serve-more-than-two-terms-as-president/2019/06/16/4b6b9ae2-9041-11e9-b570-6416efdc0803_story.html

Example: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/two-more-years-trumps-retweet-sets-off-a-furor-over-the-idea-of-bonus-time/2019/05/06/4bf102c0-7018-11e9-9eb4-0828f5389013_story.html

Example: https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-negotiate-third-term-in-office-2020-9

Example: https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/18/politics/donald-trump-third-term-2024/index.html

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Jan 19Liked by Jamison Foser

Goodness. That’s actually a damned fine point. And you brought citations! I like you. Well played!!! ❤️

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Indeed. Of course, we'll have a Trump 2028 problem *regardless* of the outcome of 2024, assuming he's not dead by then. Hopefully by then the unavailability of another Biden term will enable a real, concerted effort to shut that down, but I'm not super hopeful, since the "he'll die eventually" caucus is going to be louder.

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If Trump wins in 2024, and starts talking about running in 2028 under these arguments — does Obama run?

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It's asymmetries all the way down.

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