Mar 5Liked by Jamison Foser

Frustrated minds think alike. I was just wrapping up an update to the Trump Headline Corrector regarding this when I saw this post.


We need to keep the pressure on. Also, I made a snarky comment in one of the Times articles about their propensity to favor Trump in the headlines. They didn't publish it, of course (and it wasn't mean at all!).

I'm sure there are people in their newsroom who are fed up, too, so this publicizing does have a chance of changing things, methinks. Thanks for the article.

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Stuff like this makes me question whether I should keep my New York Times subscription. I dropped my Washington Post subscription because I could not tolerate my money paying some of their loathsome right-wing columnists. I have kept my nyt subscription because I feel like I should subscribe to at least one mainstream publication. Is it time to cancel?

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Damn, trump is telling the truth about one thing, fake news is rampant.

Capitalism combined with greed will always rule as long as The Kings and Queens control We Peasants with mindless diversion tactics

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NYT is making the NYT Pitchbot obsolete.

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Why does the paper Trump calls the failing New York Times and Republicans love to hate want Republicans to win?

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