On the one hand, Donald Trump, a convicted felon who has spent a decade encouraging his supporters to turn violent on his behalf and incited a deadly insurrection at the United States capitol in a desperate bid to cling to power after voters rejected him because he knew that if he was no longer president he would legally accountable for his many crimes, refused three times during tonight’s debate to say he would accept the outcome of the 2024 election.
On the other hand, Joe Biden said “trillionaires” when he meant “billionaires” and immediately corrected himself.
This is not a “word-salad,” and it is not “confusing.” Literally everyone knows what the phrase “we have a thousand trillionaires, I mean billionaires” means. It means we have a thousand billionaires, and the speaker committed a verbal slip he immediately recognized and corrected. Literally everyone does this kind of thing all the damn time. If you think this is a confusing word-salad, you are dumber than a brick. I’m sorry, someone should have told you that by now, I hate that it has to be me.
But the big news companies are deeply committed to peddling a storyline about Biden, who is four percent older than Trump and considerably more knowledgable and coherent, being old and incoherent. So they judge the two candidates by very different standards, and hope you don’t notice: If Biden says “trillionaires” when he means “billionaires” — even if he immediately corrects himself — they portray it as a “confusing word salad,” just another example of his diminished mental capacity. Meanwhile the typical Trump sentence has more twists than a Costco value tub of pretzels and none of the component parts are true and most are truly bizarre, yet the big media companies portray him as “an offensive powerhouse,” like he’s a political Kevin Durant or something.1
Anyway: You get to decide for yourself what this election is about. You don’t have to defer to the desires of people who miss Trump and want him back so badly they are willing to pretend to be confused by the phrase “trillionaires, I mean billionaires.”
Doesn’t seem like a tough call to me.
I swear I did not make that up. The New York Times ran a debate preview today — sorry, a “Scouting Report” (I swear I did not make that up either) — that described Trump as “an offensive powerhouse” who will “seize the spotlight at every opportunity, bulldozing anyone on the stage. Nah I’m not linking it, that only encourages them. You can find it if you don’t believe me. Two days ago the Times, apparently feeling guilty about not having run a “OMG Joe Biden Is Old” story in more than 30 minutes, ran yet another piece on the topic, this one by their art critic. Once again: Not making this up.
The NYT’s publisher is still having his hissy fit that Biden won’t give them an exclusive sit-down interview, so don’t expect to see any positive stories about him there, unless he cures cancer or something.
the washington post is as CORRUPT and in the bag for the CONVICTED FELON as the nytimes, cnn, the television networks, fox, sinclair, and many other entities that pretend to be media "journalists."